You know what’s not sexy about business?

Exhaustion, indecision, not being truly seen as the brilliant, powerful woman that you are.

Master the Inner and Outer Game of Business

How To Protect Yourself From People With Negative Energy

By Amira Alvarez

Beware of people with negative energy.

Seriously. They are a BIG kill joy and energy suck for those with brilliant ideas.

Here’s the scenario…

You’re totally in love with your idea. Yet it’s an IDEA. It’s still in the idea stage. You don’t have all the kinks worked out. It’s not a plan, much less a well thought out, aligned plan.

BUT you know you love the idea and that there’s some way of making it happen in a beautiful and profitable way.

You’re exuberant and talking to anyone who will listen.

You can’t be contained.

And then wham!

The person you’re talking to starts sucking the life out of everything.

They burst your bubble. They take the wind out of your sails. They deflate you.


If you want your ideas to fly, you must protect yourself from energy vampires.

Here are 5 ways to do just that…

1) Decide in advance who you take advice from and who you don’t.

Does one of your relatives, friends, or colleagues always take you down a notch?

Put them on your mental list of people you don’t share your ideas with.

Plus, have a plan for what to say when they ask you watcha got cooking.

This is sort of a “duh” yet I see so many people thrown off course simply because they keep sharing their ideas with the wrong people.

It’s also equally as important to have a mental list of the people who you DO take advice from.

For me, these are positive and hopeful people who are salted with a dash of realism + smarts.

They are my mentors and trusted confidantes.

Lesson: know who’s got your back, and who doesn’t.


2) Know your values and what’s true for you.

If you know exactly what’s important to you and why it matters, then other people’s negative energy won’t affect you.

It just won’t matter as much. It’ll be like water off a duck’s back.

When you’ve got a great idea, really plug into your why and your truth. It’ll help you deflect the negative energy.


3) Build a buffer so nothing affects you.

This technique is a bit woo-woo, for sure.

It involves increasing your own energy and building an energetic barrier.

If you’re game, try it right now.

Connect to your Self and then imagine energy circling around you. You can increase its strength and power simply by paying attention to it.

Play with this on your own and practice conjuring it up. You’ll then be able to call on it when you need protection from people with negative energy.


4) Energetically disconnect.

Before, during, and after any interaction with a person with negative energy separate your energy from theirs.

It’s their stuff, not yours.

Make this a clear distinction for yourself.

If you’re plugged into their energy, you’ll feel it as irritation, resistance, judgment, frustration, and anger.

You’ll feel hooked in.

Step back. Step away. Give them their energy back. And take back your own.

I often visualize this as handing them their energy and taking mine back with my hands.

Then, compassionately disengage.

Send a silent blessing or a wish to them. You don’t have to fix this person. Just beam out some love and return to paying attention to yourself.


5) Be an aikido master.

Step out of the way and let the negative energy move past you.

If you move out of the way, it can’t land on you.

Just watch it fly by. You can name it. You can see it. But you don’t have to engage in fighting it.

Since I’m such a visual person, I visualize this too. I simply imagine myself sidestepping. Whoosh…there it goes…right by me.

So that’s a round-up of the 5 techniques I use to protect myself from people with negative energy.

They work in both business and in life.


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