You know what’s not sexy about business?

Exhaustion, indecision, not being truly seen as the brilliant, powerful woman that you are.

Master the Inner and Outer Game of Business

It’s kind of obvious… now take action…

By Amira Alvarez

The action comes before the receiving. That’s the order of events.

It seems kind of obvious… if we want dinner, we make dinner. If we want to go to the library, we walk or drive there. There is some sort of action that takes place *before* we get what we want.

Sometimes it’s a very easy and automatic action, like the two examples above.

You already are someone who cooks and walks, so you just do it. It’s obvious. We don’t even think about it as “doing” something. But we have most definitely done something. There is action.

But let’s say you want something that you’ve never experienced before where the action isn’t as known or automatic.

Maybe you want an amazingly intimate and passionate relationship or you want to TRIPLE your income or you want that new position at work, something that you desire, but have never had or done before?

You still have to take action. Kind of obvious when we put it like this.

Yet so often we take action that is not associated with our desired result, but with our current experience.

We keep doing the same thing we’ve always done and we expect different results.

We assume that our desire for it is enough. That our partner will make the first step, that our boss will recognize our potential, that people will flock to our business.

This isn’t how it works.

You have to BE the person who does the kind of actions associated with this desire. (Not actions associated with another desire or your current experience.)

You have to BE an intimate and passionate partner. You have to BE the person who has that position at work. You need to BE the person who makes three times what she is making now.

This new way of being is what leads to the action that leads to the actual result you want.

So how do you BE in a way that you haven’t up until now? Or in a way that you have limited experience with?



Ask yourself, who would I need to be to be someone who has… (what you desire)?

What comes up for you? What’s her life like? What is she doing? What is she saying? How is she acting? What is her energy? What is her environment? How is she interacting with her environment? What are her daily habits? How does she show up?

Get really clear about that. See it. Feel it. Know it.

This is what you need to BE now.

Start to create this in your life now. Start acting like that person.

This change in BEING is what comes first. It leads to the actions and the results.

To have the change (the result you want), you need to BE the change.




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