You know what’s not sexy about business?

Exhaustion, indecision, not being truly seen as the brilliant, powerful woman that you are.

Master the Inner and Outer Game of Business

Clarity = Cash Flow

By Amira Alvarez

Clarity is so important. It’s the state you want to be in to get the results you want in your business.

Confusion leads to haziness, doubt, worry, fear, “stuckness”, inaction, and not achieving the results you say you want.

Confusion is NOT the same as not knowing.

You can be in a state of not knowing without being confused. Simply not knowing is a peaceful, allowing state, of not having the answer yet. It is a clear state and it brings in answers. There is no mental or emotional noise.

Confusion is the noise.

It vibrates at a different level than clarity. You can feel the difference.

If you want to have different results in your business (more money, more clients, more sales, more ease, more free time, etc) and don’t have them, you are confused about something.

Do what you need to to clear up your confusion.

Dig. Think. Get help.


What am I unclear about? What is causing this confusion? Where is the internal conflict?

You’ll probably want to ask this numerous times, digging ever deeper.

If you don’t see the point of confusion for yourself, that’s not uncommon.

The confusion or blind spot in your thinking often sits squarely in a place that’s wrapped up in our deeply engrained mindsets (thinking) of how the world works, of how business works, of what we must do, of what’s possible… so we don’t see it ourselves.

This keeps us from making quantum leaps in our business.

My advice to you?

Keep seeking clarity wherever there is confusion.

This is what I do with my clients because when you’re clear, right action comes easily and the results you want happen. And quickly.

The clarity piece though is the heavy lifting. I won’t kid you.

This takes focused, yet gentle and respectful attention. It takes commitment. It’s an investment.

Yet, one that’s so worth it.

It requires staying in the room and continuing to ask “what is not clear here?” until you get to the source.

Stay committed to this and you’ll see your results (including your cash flow) skyrocket.




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